Ojedo, Spain

Ojedo, Spain

Ojedo Spain

jedo is a village in the municipality of Cillorigo de Liebana (Cantabria, Spain ) . In 2008 it had a population of 549 inhabitants ( INE ) , the most populous municipality entity. It is located 320 meters above sea level , and lies kilometer and a half of Tama, the municipal capital, and even closer to Potes, center of the Liébana . It belongs to the " Council of San Sebastian ." Its heritage is the parish church retains a Romanesque door of the twelfth or thirteenth century. From Ojedo you can climb to the hermitage of San Tirso. Going up the neighborhood Casillas to the mountain of the same name , about ten minutes down the track, it is a unique tree , chestnut called " The Narezona ". You can continue to Cahecho ( Cabezon Liebana )
Recommended airport
Santander (SDR)
Nearby destinations
  • Los Corrales de Buelna a 45.01 km
  • Comillas a 35.54 km
  • Branosera a 35.04 km